



1、实验室规章制度1. 目的 Purpose建立实验室的规章制度以规范实验室人员的行为To sta ndardize laboratory staffs con duct2. 適用范圍Scope适用于所有兴昂制革实验室有关的人员Applicable to all related to Simona laboratory staffs3. 操作規程 Sta ndard operat ing procedure3.1 样品采集 Sample Collection3.1.1普通试样的采集位置按照SIT-015所规定进行样品采集The sample collection for normal sample

2、s is following SIT-0153.1.2防水皮试样的采集 WP Sample Collection 若样品为WWW产品,按照 WTM-34勺要求进行样品采集If the sample bel ongs to WWW product, collect the samples basedon WTM-3 若样品为TBL的产品,按照FW-R-032的要求进行样品采集If the sample bel ongs to TBL product, collect the samples based on FW-R-.3 其他产品的采集为颈部、腹部

3、、臀部各裁一片The other samples have been collected sample for each piece from neck, belly and butt in same leather.3.1.3 MCS测试样品的采集需按照SIT-015的要求在5张皮革中选取试样,然后抽取 其中3张进行测试,另外2张需寄给NIKE实验室(The collection of MCS test samples must comply with SIT-015 which dema nds to pick the sample from 5 pieces of leather, dr

4、aw out three pieces to test and send the other two to Nike Lab.3.1.4化学品的采集个数不少于总包/桶数量的20%采集应以中部试样为主The collecti on nu mbers of chemical material must be no less tha n 20% of the total amount of package or bucket. The collection should mainly follow the rules to collect the middle part of the sample.

5、3.1.5样品采集时所使用的器皿需干净清洁且保持干燥The sample collecti on vessels must be clea n and dry.3.1.6皮革全套测试的样品大小为 2张A4和1张A5The full-test samples are required to be two pieces of A4 size and one piece of A5 size.3.1.7每张样品均需为连续试样且无瑕疵Each sample must be able to test con ti nu ously and be in defectible.3.1.8所有的测试样品都需要

6、标示方向All test samples n eed to be labeled its Brand, Load No., Product n ame, etc.3.1.9所有样品的取样位置均需要满足相应客户的要求All samples collectionpositionmust comply with each customer s dema nd.3.2 仪器管理 Equipment Management3.2.1实验室的仪器设备由实验室高级技术员负责管理The equipme nts in lab are in charge with by lab lead ing head.3.2.

7、2实验室高级技术员需要对实验室的仪器建立仪器档案,仪器档案内包括:订货申请、说明书、安装调试验收报告、仪器零配件、登记表和维护记录。每台仪 器均需建立健全操作指导书。The lab leading head has to create files of recordingequipmentin formatio nwhichin cludesOrderApplicati on.In structio n.Installation Test and Receiving Report, Components, RegistrationFormand Maintenance Record.Each

8、equipme nt n eeds to draft and revise theIn structio n of Operati on Procedure .3.2.3仪器设备的使用人员须先熟知设备的性能和操作规程,方可操作,新人员在使用仪器时需经过培训的人员陪同下操作The operati on staff must be well aware of the equipme nts performa nee and operation procedure before they start to operate. The newstaff must operate the machi ne

9、 un der the guida nee of trained staff.3.2.4实验室测试员需按照仪器操作说明书进行仪器的维护、保养,掌握实验室设备的运行情况,发现仪器设备运行不良时应并及时报告给实验室组长并通知工程 部进行维修The test operator must control the machine s running and maintaining as stated in the Operati on In struct ion.Once find out unu sualperformanee, we must report to the lab s leading

10、head and inform the Engin eeri ng Departme nt to schedule the maintenan ce.3.2.5实验室测试员需必须保持仪器清洁,不得使仪器接触强酸、强碱等腐蚀性物品, 仪器的放置要远离水源、火源、气源等不安全源。各仪器要根据其保养、维护 要求,进行及时或定期的干燥处理、充电、维护、校验等,确保仪器正常运转 The test operator must keep the equipme nt clea n and keep away from the corrosive liquids like strong acid and al

11、kali. The positi on of theequipme nt must be far away from in secured sources like water, fire, gas and etc.3.2.6实验室组长需对仪器设备做到每年清点一次并记录成账The lab s leading head has to check the equipments and record its performa nee every year.3.3 实验室药品的擺放 The Placement of the Lab Medicine3.3.1根据药品的MSD区分药品的酸碱性、避光性、可

12、燃性和毒性Distinguishmedicine acidity, photophobism, flammability andtoxicity accord ing to their MSDS.3.3.2酸碱或易发生化学反应的药品需分开摆放The acid-base or in cide ntalchemical react ionmedic ine must bepositi oned separately.3.3.3不可避光的藥品需放置在暗處The non lightproof medicals should be placed in dark.3.3.4可燃性的药品需放在空调房内保存T

13、he flammable medicine should be kept in air-conditioned room.335含毒性的药品需由实验室组长单独保管The toxic medicine must be kept by lab s leading head alone.3.4玻璃器皿的清洗3.4.1使用肥皂、洗涤剂等以毛刷进行清洗,然后依次用自来水、蒸馏水清洗Use hairbrush with soap and deterge nt to wash first, and use tap water and distilled water in order to clean.3.4

14、.2对于不便用毛刷清洗或清洗不干净的器皿,需铬酸溶液进行清洗。铬酸溶液的配置方法为称取92g二水重铬酸钠溶于460m冰中,然后注入800mL硫酸。另 一个配方是把1L硫酸注入35mL饱和重铬酸溶液中。当洗液使用至变绿色后,就失去洗涤能力。To those vessels which are not easy to clea n or not convenient to clea n byusing hairbrush, weuse chromic acid solutions to wash. There are two methodsof collocat ing chromic acid

15、soluti ons: to weight 92g sodium acid chromatedehydrate, dissolve it into 460ml water and pour 800ml sulphuric acid in;or to pour 1L sulphuric acid into 35ml saturated chromic acid solutions.Thesolutions can not be used for washing any more once it becomes green.3.5 固体废弃物的处理 Solid Waste Disposal实验室所

16、产生的固体废弃物需倒在公司规定的危险废弃物的垃圾桶The solid waste from lab must be dumped to the appo in ted garbage bin for dan gerous waste.3.6 液体废弃物的处理 Liquid Waste Disposal3.6.1无腐蚀性的液体废弃物可倒出水槽中并以大量清水清洗The non-corrosive liquid waste can be poured into the sink and washed with water.3.6.2腐蚀性的液体废弃物需中和后才可倒入水槽中,同时以大量的清水清洗Neu

17、tralize the corrosive liquid waste before it goes to the sink and wash it with water.3.7 生活廢棄物的處理 Domestic Waste Disposal生活废弃物需按照公司的规定倒入相应的垃圾桶中The domestic waste n eeds to dump into the right garbage bin accord ing to the regulatio n.3.8 实验室的摆放规则 The placement rules in lab3.8.1 MVTR UV光、vamp flexing

18、、belly flexing的机器需放置在空调房。The MVTRUVlight 、vampflexing 、belly flexing machine have to be placed in air-c on diti oner room.3.8.2油含量和铬含量需要在通风橱里进行Oil and chromium contents must be tested in the stink cupboard.3.8.3标签标识需符合公司5S要求。The labels and marks must comply with 5S requireme nt of our compa ny.3.8.4

19、实验室平面分布图 The Plane Map of the Lab实验室平面分布图.doc3.9 培训 Trai ning3.9.1符合公司的培训体系Qualifyi ng trai ning system3.9.2经过公司培训体系认证的人员才能正式上岗Only staff recog ni zed by domestic training system can start to work.3.9.3每年实际操作的课程不能少于6节The practical operation lessons are no less than six every year.3.9.4所有的培训证书(含公司内部与

20、第三认证)的证书需悬挂在实验室的显眼处All trai ning certificates (in clud ing the one credited by domestic and the 3 rd party) must hang on the clearly visible place in the lab.3.10 实验室所用标准耗材的管理 The lab management of standard consumerables 必须确保每一批购买的标准材料,供应商均附有一份认可的标准证书并登记存档,标准耗材包括:Make sure that each batch of standar

21、d materialthat we buymust be attached with a approved Standard Certificate and be kept in file. The sta ndard con sumerables in clude:A) cotton cloth use on crockmeter method用于摩擦掉色测定器的棉布B) multi-fiber fabric use in water or perspiration fastness用于測試耐水或者耐汗的多纖維織布C) felt pads use on rub fastness machin

22、e用于測試耐磨程度的毛氈墊D) No. 1-8 standard blue wool一到八等級的優質有光澤羊毛E) Gray scale 灰度3.11 结果判定 Judge the Results3.11.1需要人为主观判断的测试结果需由至少两人作出判断。如色牢度的评级需由两个经过培训的人员作出判断并评级。若双方的结果出现1.0级以上的偏差需及时向上级反映。The test results which are based on subjective judgme nt n eed at leasttwo people to judge. For example, the rati ng tes

23、t of the color fast ness must be judged by two trained staff. If there is a deviation more than one level between two results, it s a must to report to supervisor in time.3.11.2颜色判定必须在 D65灯光下进行,光强为1500+-200LUXThe color test must be working under the condition of D65 light which inten sity is 1500+-2

24、00LUX .3.11.3所有需计算才能得出测试结果的,都需要记录各项参数及计算公式Test results that figured out by calculationneed to record eachparameter and formula.3.12 实验数据的管理 Test Data Management3.12.1 测试报告的输入时间不能多于1.5天Theteat report should be entered into the computer within1.5 days.3.12.2 输入任何测试数据都需核对产品单号和产品名称Entering any test data

25、 must check the product s name and trackingnu mber.3.12.2 所有非ERP数据每半年需进行一次备份All non-ERP data n eeds backup every half year.3.13 纠正措施 The Corrective Action3.13.1实验室课长需保留所有KPI数据,并以此作为纠正的依据The lab lead ing head n eeds to keep all KPI data in record and see it as the evide nee of correct ion3.13.2若连续三个月

26、KPI数值均出现异常,需进行专项整改并形成报告 If KPI data is being abno rmal for three mon ths continu ously, we have to correct it specifically and write a report.3.13.3若是操作过程被发现不符合要求,需立即停止并重新安排样品测试 If the operation process is found to be unqualified, we need to stop it right away and reschedule the sample test.3.13.4若是测试完成出报告后才被发现异常,需从新进行培训考核。If the test is found to be abnormal after the test report is made, we n eed to start the training and asseseme nt.4. 注意事項Atte ntio n无5. 使用表單Form无


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